
How did Merck Millipore and R&D get together?

In 2009, we wanted to innovate in the market of filtration and purification systems for pharmaceutical companies.The existing systems, composed of fixed stainless steel pipes, were very hard to clean. Our idea was to replace stainless steel with disposable components. However, we didn’t know how to translate our concept to a machine.

During a previous presentation meeting with R&D Technology, we were seduced by the ingenuity and compactness of their Evolubox (Editor’s note: modular automated assembly cell) and agreed that we had the right partner for our project.

What was the practical form of R&D Technology's support?

To sum up, I can say that we really did “co-design”, in the sense that we brought the business, and R&D Technology its methodology, its skills and its network.

The NOVACT offer allowed us to benefit from a proximity and a reactivity that are precious for this type of development project. This service has allowed us to reach our objectives 100%. Launched in 2012, our fully automated SMART system is the most efficient on the market today. This project earned R&D Technology our coveted “Best Supplier Award”, as well as the continuation of our mutual collaboration on other subjects.